Do you know the Practical aspects of Cloud Computing?

Vimeshi Bhagya
7 min readMar 19, 2021


In this article I hope to bring a knowledge about the practical aspects of cloud computing.

What is Cloud Computing?

Cloud computing defines disseminating the cloud services such as databases, servers, storage, networking, intelligence, software and analytics among the end users via internet. With these cloud computing platform people no need to pay or incur more cost for the usage. All we have to do is, deploy the money for what we use from this platform. Basically we can see some typical advantages of this cloud computing. They are cost savings, speed, security, productivity, performance, reliability and global scale.

Actually we can eliminate the cost of hardware, software and storage due to the facilities of cloud computing services. They provide them for free based on the cloud. Thus the consumers will not be able to incur them because of the economies of scales of cloud computing. At the same time this service is much more flexible for the users and facilitates a good speed. Many cloud providers provide a set of rules and regulations in terms of strengthen their security. And that leads for the reliability of the cloud computing process among the end users. Not only that this service eliminates the unnecessary needs like racking, stacking, hardware setup, software patching and other time consuming IT tasks and enhances the productivity, performance and the scale through that.

There are three different types of cloud computing. Public, Private and Hybrid cloud computing are them. Public cloud computing is operated by the cloud service provider and they .manage hardware, software and other supporting infrastructure. They provide their, servers, storage and the resources via internet for the users. Microsoft Azure is an instance for that. When it comes to the private cloud computing the single entities like companies and organizations use this facility and they maintain their own cloud. Moreover the Hybrid cloud computing allows to share files and data between public and private clouds. This provides the business a greater flexibility, and an opportunity for more deployment options. Furthermore the cloud computing services belong to four main categories. Infrastructure as a service (Iaas),Platform as a service(Paas), Serverless and Software as a service(Saas) are them.

We can rent IT infrastructure like network, storage operating systems through cloud service provider by using Iaas. Businesses do tests and development, website hosting, high performance computing and big data analytics through this service model .Consumers can use the infrastructure and other programming tools hosted by the cloud service providers in order to develop applications with the use of Paas. Hence the possible scenarios of Paas is Development frame work, additional services, and analytics or business intelligence. The serverless computing defines the infrastructure deploying and the managing process are invisible for the developers. The cloud providers handle everything and make easy to do the tasks with this service. Since the developers do not want to manage the infrastructure of cloud the efficiency is getting high here.

When it comes to the Saas service model that allows users to access cloud based apps over the internet. Email, office tools are some of instances for that .For businesses they provide customer relationship management (CRM),enterprise resources planning(ERP) software applications through cloud. Hence these examples can be taken for Saas.

Practical aspects

Generally we use cloud computing in our day today life. Not only us the tiny little startups to global corporations use this cloud computing system in order to store data, process, network and manipulate other computing recourses to run their own information systems.

The following factors show the possible practical evidences of cloud services from cloud providers. They are Store backup and recovery data, analyze data, create cloud native applications, test and build applications, embedded intelligence and deliver software on demand. Now a days businesses used to store their data in cloud and that is basically helpful for the cost efficiency. With a low cost, the corporations would be able to gain a massive storage at the same time.

Another practical use is anyone can access the cloud based data from any locations within few seconds. That would help to speed up the transactions. As an example Microsoft Azure provides many features or the aspects to the practical world. It provides the solutions for the problems of healthcare sector, financial services, Government, Retail and manufacturing sectors.


With the high technological advancement Microsoft Azure has introduced a cloud platform for the healthcare sector. All they are doing there is connecting the technologies of AI, Machine learning and epic software as a central nervous system in terms of building an advance platform to connect the patient and the doctor. Their future prediction and the expectation is to connect both doctor and the patient through a platform via mobiles, diagnose the diseases, and save the human lives.

Mainly doctors get alerts of the 3 patients if they have undergone an emergency and vice versa. They have experimented that in the hospitals and that has helped them to diagnose the cardiac arrests of the patients before 4 hours it happens. Thus they have reduced the ICU usage of the patients by 44% with this new feature that they are doing with cloud based systems. They have basically created a specialized software platforms to identify the particular diseases. Hence that is a cutting edge of clinical level, technological level and the patient level of cloud computing.

2.Financial sector.

Since cloud based technology provides hybrid options easily the customer and the organization would be able to connect and share their data with a trusted manner. And also cloud based analytics gives the end users to optimize everything from back end operations to the customer experience. And also in the financial sector the cloud computing system provides the open source software for the world. That acts as a SaaS.

People can use those service models in order to fulfil their needs over the cloud. Moreover now there are having flexible and speedy banking systems, and forecasting system software done by Azure. With the use of that the financial corporations can make their decisions without wasting their time and the effort. Not only that this cloud services provide a massive storage over the cloud and that would be a great thing for every sector.


With this cloud computing aspect now the US government has been engaged. At the same time this would be an opportunity for the general people to get the data and information of the government over the internet in a secured manner. This will increase the citizens’ engagement with the government. And also US government is using this facility to connect with the other relevant sectors in order to provide the people to a better service. And also the New Zealand fire emergency is engaged with this cloud platform in order to exchange their relevant files over here. That basically provides a fastest way to recognize the needs of the fire team and protect the public world immediately. Basically this cloud computing services provide a massive advantage for the whole government sector.


Through the industrial internet of things the Microsoft Azure which is a cloud computing platform provides a huge service for the manufacturing sector. There they have developed a service to connect with the customers and get their exact requirements in order to manufacture the correct or the preferred things in an useful way. With this cloud computing service Microsoft Azure tries to transform the virtual business world to a smart factory by using the technological aspects. There they have implement the software based on 4 the cloud to detect the possible pitfalls in manufacturing process and through that they try to mitigate the risks. And also these AIs detects the troubleshoots and resolve them remotely. Not only that this Azure is connecting and manipulating the industrial devices or the equipment automatically.

5.Retail sector.

Again as an example the Microsoft Azure is a trusted platform which provides a great service for the retail sector. They connect the customer and the retailor in one place to do their transactions in a trusted manner. There they have created a personalized and outstanding platform for the retail sector to delight the customers. Here mainly the cloud computing doing is, it gathers the data of the each consumer and understand a pattern according to their preference. Therefore that can automatically promote the particular brands among the potential users without a human interference. That provides a huge help for both consumers and the retailors.

At the same time retailors would be able to provide the quick services and make the forecasts through these cloud platforms in order to increase their profits rather than the past eras. And also since these cloud computing system facilitates the storage in an advanced way, they can use them to do new innovations for the market. That is another practical aspect of this valuable service. In conclusion this cloud computing system provides many things to the world. As examples Amazon web services, Google cloud platform, IBM cloud, Microsoft Azure, Adobe, VMware can be taken as cloud computing service providers. Mainly it provides databases, storage, networking and other uses for the end users over the cloud. The fundamental advantage of here is that anyone can access to this system and the people have to pay only the cost what they use. At the same time the performance, security, productivity and the speed is very useful for the users.

Basically the above mentioned facts shows the practical aspects of cloud computing which is using the healthcare sector, government sector, manufacturing sector, financial sector ,and the retail sector .Not only for these sectors but also for huge areas, this cloud computing platforms provide tremendous services in order to carry on the industrial revolution.

Hope you guys got a good understanding about the practical aspects of cloud computing. And thank you so much for reading.



Vimeshi Bhagya

Visakhian ~~~~ Undergraduate at University of Moratuwa